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Monday, December 10, 2007

Makings of a great team (Continuation)

The initial stage (the lead)

Through a defined selection process, a team will be selected. This team could be of any level, be it school, college, university, city, state or the country. The panel, how good or stupid it is, will definitely follow some parameters in finalizing a squad that will participate in the tournament for which the team is selected. This is where the general misconception starts. The selectors’ job, in a way, ends here (how the selectors have to approach the selection process will be discussed later under a new blog heading). It is here that either the coach or the captain steps in (depending on the status of the team – as a few teams might not have a coach) to take the team and bind it into one unit.

Each player will have some strength that helps him make the team. This strength is what is most vital for the team as well and it is up to the coach or the captain to identify and use it to the fullest to optimize the performance of the team as a whole. ***for ease of use, coach or captain will be mentioned as ‘The man’ from now on***

The team should be revolving around 'The man' for better results as following a singular path will generate better results. Sometimes it is always best to leave the decisions to one person.

The second stage (horses for courses)

As the team is already picked, ‘The man’ in due course of the conditioning or practice camp before the tournament should assess the strengths of each individual to such a level that; given any situation in a match, he should have a clear plan and the player to deliver. Different players for different situations….
To be contd...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Makings of a great team

As I have already mentioned, my posts could be and are far and distant due to reasons best left unasked :-). Well coming to the point; I am an avid movie goer. And whenever I watch – I watch intense. I try to find any instance/s or situation that I can relate to and implement. If I find one such, I take a cue from these and improvise them to suit my requirement.

One fine evening I went to a Hindi movie “Chak De India” – a movie focusing on Women’s Hockey (Indian National Game). The movie highlights the TEAM – Together Each Achieves More – concept. The movie could have covered a lot of other areas as the story had a great scope. Anyway, that’s my personal opinion.

While watching the movie, a thought has captured my attention and that is what I am trying to share with you here. “Any team is born but all great teams are definitely made.”

What I mean by this?

A gathering of the required number of players could be counted as a team. But a team that can withstand any situation and deliver the goods at any cost can only be made, nurtured, guided by a dedicated coach or a captain who understands the nuances and the finer points of the game to the core. Along with this he should have a sensible approach towards man management and treat individual players as they like them to be treated.
To be continued.....

Friday, September 7, 2007

The start

This I would say is the beginning of a new experience I am about to realize. It might take some time for me to get accustomed to this new autobiographical element. People with the habit of maintaining daily diaries might not feel the difference, but yes, this has far too many things tagged to it.

This could be your daily tracker, a road down memory lane, a canvas to realize your imagination and creative urge, a medium to reach different segments of people on different public awareness topics..... and what not!!!! you name it and you might do it. This itself should be and is the first and foremost aspect that has attracted me to dabble with blogs.

I am sure that I will contribute to my own satisfaction, but the frequency of my posts need to checked???:-))